Education by Design

Offering custom designed seminars, consultations, training and workshops to educate on emotional trauma, attachment, adoption and foster care.



Reclaim your happy family life! Turn negative parenting into positive, fun, productive parenting – learn how, and practice on-site with your child for a day.

This is a one-day, parent and child workshop. Learn how to turn negative parenting into positive, fun, productive parenting. Practice on-site, together with your child. This workshop gives each parent-child team an opportunity to take a break from their regular “patterned” potentially negative interactions, and to re-learn to feel comfortable and enjoy each others company.

The Parent-Therapist Team: Working together, Helping each other.

This training in large part is for parents, but professionals often ask to be included and gain from the practical recommendations offered here. It is a half-day presentation or webinar which helps parents know how best to maximize their relationship with their children’s professional.

STATTM (Synergistic Trauma and Attachment Therapy). How can we successfully treat the complex trauma of early attachment breaks? What therapies address the many developmental domains that are impacted by early trauma, and how do we know which ones to use?

This training is largely attended by parents. As well, consultations with individual clinicians and clinics can be arranged to identify types of therapies to grow and strengthen their current effectiveness in therapy. It is a one-day training in how trauma-informed treatments can be interwoven to address the complexity of early trauma.


Advanced Clinical Skills: Consultation groups on-line or by Skype exploring clinical questions and topics of common interest.

These are small consultation groups already in motion for professionals to discuss the specifics of treating children with developmental trauma. If you’d like to join one of these groups either on-line or by-phone, please let me know and I’ll facilitate integration into the right group for you.

Evaluating Trauma and Attachment Disruptions in Early Childhood: What assessment tools are best and how should they be administered for maximum information.

This is a workshop for professionals. It can be offered as one-day, or-two-days, depending on the needs of the group. During this workshop, a family engages in a thorough evaluation, which is observed by the participating group (with the family’s permission). After administration of the assessment, the participating professional group is led through the process of scoring and interpreting assessment tools. They will complete a report as a group. It has been a particularly positive, hands-on, helpful workshop for clinicians wanting to expand their understanding of how to identify trauma and attachment issues, and determine what therapies are the best fit for specific trauma and attachment difficulties.